Visa Information

Foreign nationals entering Ireland are generally required to have a valid passport and Irish visa assigned by an overseas branch of an Irish embassy or consular office.

Ireland – Visa Requirements

Passports – Visitors are advised to check what form of ID is required with the individual airline, tour operator or travel agent before travelling. In general, a valid passport is recommended ID for all visitors travelling to Ireland.

Visas – Visitors from other countries do require a passport, and it is wise to check with your travel operator whether your originating country requires a visa. Please discuss this with your travel agent and review the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland website for full information.

If you require a visa, you may request a letter of booking confirmation from the Congress desk once payment is completed in full for registration. No letter will be issued prior to registration and full payment being completed. It is advisable that you book and pay for accommodation, for the duration of your stay, as part of the registration process. If you book accommodation as part of your registration, this will be confirmed in your confirmation letter from the Congress secretariat. If you have booked accommodation separately you should request confirmation of this from your hotel and include it with your visa application.

Note that visa applications can take 8+ weeks for Ireland – please ensure that you apply in time to attend the Congress.

You can apply for a visa using the online AVATS process.

Before beginning the online process you should have the following information to hand:
1. Passport and details of any previous passports – number, date of issue/expiry
2. Details of any previous Irish visa applications
3. Contact details for your host in Ireland
4. Itinerary

Following submission of your online visa application using AVATS, please note that you will also be required to submit a signed summary of your application form, original passport, passport-sized colour photograph, the relevant fee and all supporting documents, to the relevant Irish Embassy/Consulate/Visa Office per your application procedures.

Please note: The above content is only provided as an information tool. We cannot advise with regards your individual visa application or whether further delays may occur or regulations change within governmental procedure without notice. 
If you require a Visa to travel into Ireland, you are advised to register and complete your application as soon as possible. The Congress office at Keynote PCO, nor the Congress committee, board or any members involved in WPC 2022 take no responsibility for your application. 
All costs for any visa application are the responsibility of the passport holder.

Visa Information

Foreign nationals entering Ireland are generally required to have a valid passport and Irish visa assigned by an overseas branch of an Irish embassy or consular office.

Ireland – Visa Requirements

Passports – UK citizens do not require a passport or visa to enter Ireland, but most carriers by air or sea require some form of identification with photograph (usually either a passport or driver’s license with photograph). Visitors are advised to check what form of ID is required with the individual airline, tour operator or travel agent before travelling. Visitors from all other countries, including European Union countries, must present their passport to enter Ireland.

Visas – Visitors from many countries also require a visa to enter Ireland. It is essential to check with your travel operator whether your originating country requires a visa. Please discuss this with your travel operator and review the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland website for full information.

If you require a visa you may request a letter of booking confirmation from the Congress desk once payment is completed in full for registration. No letter will be issued prior to full registration being completed. It is advisable that you book and pay for accommodation for the duration of your stay at the same time as your registration as confirmation of your accommodation should also be included with your visa application. To request a visa confirmation letter please email: Note that visa applications can take 6+ weeks for Ireland – please ensure that you apply in time to attend the Congress.

You can apply for a visa using the online AVATS process.

Before beginning the online process, you should have the following information on hand:

Passport and details of any previous passports – number, date of issue/expiry

Details of any previous Irish visa applications

Contact details for your host in Ireland


Following submission of your online visa application using AVATS, please note that you will also be required to submit a signed summary of your application form, original passport, passport-sized colour photograph, the relevant fee and all supporting documents, to the relevant Irish Embassy/Consulate/Visa Office per your application procedures. Further information is available here.