Congress Programme
The congress programme has been approved by the Scientific Programme Committee. In the form of plenary, concurrent and focus session formats, the programme includes high quality international speakers who will present on challenges and opportunities in the potato business, health and nutrition, innovation, sustainability, food security and development. High quality abstracts have been submitted and arranged into oral and poster communication sessions providing superb opportunities for scientific exchange. As we live in challenging times, the programme is subject to change without notice.
You can download the congress Abstract Book by clicking here.
How to Navigate the Online Programme
Click the three lined menu tab on the top left corner for different search capabilities – you may search the programme by presentation title or author name.
Click into the session name for more information on individual presentations.
Click on the presentation title to view the presentation overview and speaker biography. You can view each overview and biography individually or download the details for the full session. To download the session details, click into the session name and select the download button on the top right of the pop-out.
You can bookmark a full session of interest by clicking the tag on the top left hand corner of the session title.
You can also add sessions to your calendar by selecting the calendar icon next to the download button on the top right hand corner.
World Potato Congress 2022 (WPC2022)
c/o Keynote PCO, Suite 26, Anglesea House, 63 Carysfort Ave., Blackrock, Co Dublin, A94 FF63, Ireland
T: + 353 1 400 3626 E:
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