FAO International Food Day

The global potato value chain supports the FAO International Food Day on Saturday 16 October 2021.

On October 16, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organizes the International Food Day. FAO states that the food we choose and the way we consume it affect our health and that of our planet. It has also an impact on the way agri-food systems work. We, the global potato value chain, can be a part of the change.

This is why World Potato Congress Inc., the global organization of potato professionals has set up a network to help developing sustainable potato production and consumption, is calling upon all international, national, regional and local potato organizations for growers, traders and processors to join this action by sending out the attached GIF via your social media carriers (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.)


The World Potato Congress Inc. is currently collaborating with FAO and several countries to propose to the United Nations General Assembly to organize an annual International Potato Day on May 30, the national potato day in Peru, the birthplace of the potato.

FAO’s Director General Dr. Qu Dongyu has accepted the invitation to be a keynote speaker at the World Potato Congress in Dublin, Ireland starting on May 30 2022.

We would like to welcome potato professionals from all over the world at this important event, dedicated to the sustainable production, trade, processing and consumption of seed and ware potatoes (www.wpc2022ireland.com).

Let us all support the FAO International Food Day on October 16, 2021 by sending out this GIF by social media to all your contacts.


Romain Cools
President & CEO
World Potato Congress Inc.


Source: World Potato Congress Inc.